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Deepening with the Enlightened Masters

This is an immersion for seekers who have already experienced the magic of the Field of Awakening in any part of the world, the Abundance & Enlightenment festivals, and any of our courses at Ekam in India, and it is also for the Tapasvis. The deepening can be done either before or after tapas.

• The deepening Is a journey into Turiya – the fourth dimension beyond the waking, dreaming, and sleeping states of consciousness.

• It is an immersion in the unitary field of consciousness beyond the confines of the mind.

• It is a withdrawal from the external world into the deepest spaces of your consciousness.

• An intensive meditation experience with our Enlightened Masters for those who seek to journey deeper.

• Processes led by Mukti gurus in the hallowed, consecrated space around the Hiranya garba.

• A 6 days of total silence journeying inward with the Universal Intelligence as your light. This is the sacred gift offered by our Mukti Gurus only available at Oneness Nordic.

Invitation for the Seekers:
Members of the Oneness community, seekers, and enthusiasts, this is a beckoning for an intimate, transformative experience with our revered Mukti Gurus.
This isn’t merely a retreat away from the world; This is a retreat away from your usual sense of self into enlightened consciousness.

Join this Deepening Journey Offered Only at Oneness Nordic

Turiya (Europe): Dec 5 to 10, 2024
Arrival: Dec 4, 2024
Departure: Dec 10, 2024 (post 6 pm onwards)
Included in your course fee are 7 nights and 8 days at Oneness Nordic.
Register Now 

Turiya (USA): Dec 5 to 10, 2024
Arrival: Dec 4, 2024
Departure: Dec 10, 2024 (post 6 pm onwards)
Included in your course fee are 7 nights and 8 days at Oneness Nordic.
Register Now 


Turiya (USA): Jul 1 to 6, 2025
Arrival: Jun 30, 2025
Departure: Jul 6, 2025 (post 6 pm onwards)
Included in your course fee are 7 nights and 8 days at Oneness Nordic.
Register Now